Duties of a Director


Understanding the Duties of a Director in a Limited Company


In the dynamic world of business, directors play a pivotal role in steering the ship towards success while upholding their responsibilities and obligations. In the United Kingdom, directors of limited companies are bound by a set of duties outlined under the Companies Act 2006. Let's delve into the key duties that directors must diligently fulfil:

Fiduciary Duty:

Directors must act in the best interests of the company, ensuring that personal interests or conflicts of interest do not compromise their duty to promote the success of the business.

Duty of Care:

Directors must exercise reasonable care, skill, and diligence in their role. They are expected to make informed decisions, stay well-informed about the company's affairs, and seek professional advice when necessary.

Promote the Success of the Company:

Directors should act in a way that promotes the long-term success of the company, considering the interests of shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, and the community at large.

Avoid Conflicts of Interest:

Directors must avoid situations where their personal interests conflict with those of the company. If such conflicts arise, they should be disclosed and managed appropriately.

Declare Interests in Transactions:

Directors must declare any personal interests in company transactions, ensuring transparency and preventing potential conflicts.

Exercise Independent Judgment:

Directors should exercise their own independent judgment rather than being unduly influenced by others.

Act Within the Company's Constitution:

Directors must act in accordance with the company's articles of association and any shareholders' agreements in place.

Avoid Unlawful Activities:

Directors must not engage in illegal or fraudulent activities, and they should ensure the company complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

Maintain Accounting Records:

Directors are responsible for keeping accurate accounting records and preparing financial statements.

File Annual Accounts and Reports:

Directors must file annual accounts and reports with the relevant authorities, such as Companies House, within specified timeframes.


Failure to adhere to these duties can result in legal consequences, including fines, disqualification as a director, or even imprisonment in cases of serious misconduct. Therefore, it is crucial for directors to understand and diligently fulfil their obligations to ensure the success and integrity of their limited company.

Mo Barrie

Business Growth Strategist

Mo Barrie is a business growth strategist, author and qualified accountant at Highwoods & Associates who is passionate about helping business owners and their team.


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